There was an incident that trended recently wherein an overeager shopper got products from an unmanned food booth and subsequently got in touch in order to pay for them thru an online transaction. Even if the intention was appropriate, the customer got schooled by the seller, who reasoned out that if the transaction was not reported, the staff would have been charged with the missing cost. Unfortunately, the brand earned an irate social media post from the said Karen, errr buyer.
But in all seriousness—let’s be reasonable folks. If you really need to get your hand on them goodies, then choose to be more productive with your time while you wait for the staff to return. So, here are 8 things to do if there is no one manning the food booth.
Watch a movie
One of the best ways to while the hours away is none other than watching a movie. Think about it. An average movie length is about two hours long. By the time the movie finishes, it’s safe to assume that the “we’ll be back sign” has already been tucked away and the staff will now be ready to assist you with their products.
Try visiting another day
If time is really limited and you’re in a rush then it might be best to try visiting the next day. Another smart move? Get the contact details of the brand, pre-order your chosen goodies, and claim them at an agreed day and time of pick up. Now isn’t that hassle-free?
Do your errands
Why were you in the venue anyway? Were you supposed to get meds from the pharmacy? Pick up the dry cleaning? Wanted to have your laptop serviced? Due for a haircut? Finish your errand list first then come back later.
Plan around your impulse purchase
You know you already want it. It’s just a matter of purchasing it (when ate or kuya seller gets back). So, what better way to enjoy it than by buying other items to level up the experience? For example, if the product is *ahem* cookies, then go to the grocery and buy milk to pair it with or even ice cream to make a cookie sandwich?
Yup. You just really need to wait it out. The staff could’ve gone anywhere—the bathroom, a much-needed meal break, a scheduled bank deposit, or even a medical emergency. Even if they’ve gone away for the moment, someone from the brand is sure to come back for stall duty.
Check out the other food stalls
If the stall person hasn’t returned yet, then take your time to go around the other food stalls! Talk with the other merchants and have a look at their goodies and wares. Eat all the free samples they’re willing to offer. Circle the area twice or three times, it’s okay. You’re kinda getting in your 10,000 steps in too, amirite?
Wait again
By this time, you should know that it’s a waiting game already. Will they come in the next 10 minutes? 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour? As they say, good things come to those who wait, so increase your EQ for the time being.
Don’t get an item from the stall even if you have an intention to pay. Just don’t.
TBH it’s going to be a sales loss for their business since you didn’t get the chance to buy their product. But that’s a small price to pay compared to having to defend their brand against cookie-hungry karens who don’t follow food stall etiquette. Think about it. You would not want anyone to get your stuff without permission. Operating a food stall is still very demanding work guys, so be respectable, step away from the stall, and quietly wait for the stall staff to return.
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