Region III (Central Luzon): Iniruban

Image from Diana R. Prado,
If you’re craving for unique kakanin, why not head over to the “Rice Granary of the Philippines”, Central Luzon? Pretty sure you can get some here, If not anywhere else. In particular, you can find Iniruban a.k.a. Tarlac’s Best. These are the sweet green native cakes you never knew about, let alone needed to check off your kakanin bucket list.
Named after the naturally green young sticky rice grown in the province, the cakes are made by burning the rice then mixing in gata and tagapulot (sugarcane molasses), and cooked. It then transforms into the nostalgic, exotic sticky treat locals grew up eating in their childhood.
This delicacy is so good that it got Camiling, Tarlac included in the One Town, One Product government program. Much like how Davao has its chocolates – if you want Iniruban, you go to the Iniruban Capital.
Tired of the bleak chill of the season and need a change of color from the usual chaotic stall-crowded streets of the city? Camiling is the place to go especially by the last week of October. Locals prepare for All Saints day with a thanksgiving celebration for good harvest during their Chicharon and Iniruban Festival held every 26th of October.
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