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3 Way Ice Drop: Monggo, Langka, and Pinipig

Yields5 ServingsTotal Time1 day

Monggo Ice Drop
 2 tbsp cornstarch
 2 cups coconut juice
 ½ cup condensed milk
 ¼ cup syrupdrained from monggo
 ½ cup sweetened monggodrained and smashed, syrup reserved – divided into 2
 pinch of salt
Langka Ice Drop
 2 tbsp cornstarch
 2 cups coconut juice
 ½ cup condensed milk
 ¼ cup syrupdrained from langka
 ½ cup sweetened langkadrained and finely chopped, syrup reserved – divided into 2
 pinch of salt
Pinipig Ice Drop
 2 tbsp cornstarch
 2 cups coconut juice
 ½ cup condensed milk
 pinch of salt
 2 cups chocolatefinely chopped
 ½ cup coconut oil
 toasted pinipigas desired
Monggo Ice Drop

In a saucepan over medium-low heat, combine cornstarch with coconut juice. Stir until dissolved and until the mixture thickens like syrup.


In a bowl combine cornstarch mixture, condensed milk, syrup, half of the monggo, and salt then mix well.


Pour mixtures into molds, add popsicle sticks, and freeze overnight.

Langka Ice Drop

In a saucepan over medium-low heat, combine cornstarch with coconut juice. Stir until dissolved and until the mixture thickens like syrup.


In a bowl combine cornstarch mixture, condensed milk, syrup, half of the langka, and salt then mix well.


Pour mixtures into molds, add popsicle sticks, and freeze overnight.

Pinipig Ice Drop

In a saucepan over medium-low heat, combine cornstarch with coconut juice. Stir until dissolved and until the mixture thickens like syrup.


In a bowl combine cornstarch mixture, condensed milk, and salt then mix well.


Pour mixtures into molds, add popsicle sticks, and freeze overnight.


In a non-stick pan, toast pinipig until crunchy.


Melt chocolate with coconut oil in the microwave until smooth. Mix in toasted pinipig into chocolate


Remove popsicles from molds and dip in chocolate.


Sprinkle more pinipig onto chocolate before it hardens if desired.

Nutrition Facts

0 servings

Serving size