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Yields8 Servings
Basic Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Buttercream

Chocolate Ganache


Sift dry ingredients

In a large bowl, sift together tablea powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt set aside.

Mix wet ingredients

In another bowl whisk together sugar, eggs, milk, oil, vanilla extract, and hot water. Whisk well until well combined.

Mix the wet and dry

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix very well.


Pour the chocolate batter into the cake pans prepped with butter and lined with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated 180°C oven for 30-35 minutes or until the toothpick/cake tester comes out clean. Let the cake cool completely before assembling/frosting.

Make buttercream

Using a hand mixer whisk the softened butter. Add granulated sugar, table powder, and milk alternately so the buttercream will blend easily. Add in the vanilla extract and blend for the last time.

Make ganache

On a saucepan, heat the whipping cream or all-purpose cream. Do not let it boil. Put the chocolate chips in a bowl and pour the cream over them. Mix until well combined. Let it cool before using.


When the cake layers have cooled assemble it on a cake turntable. Use a small offset or flat spatula to evenly coat the top of the first layer with a portion of the chocolate buttercream. Do this to the next layer. Place the last layer of the cake cut upside down on top of the buttercream, then gently press it down to level it. Using a large offset generously coat the whole cake with chocolate buttercream.


Pour the chocolate ganache on top of the cake and spread it evenly on top. Decorate with fresh strawberries on top to finish.


Basic Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Buttercream

Chocolate Ganache



Sift dry ingredients

In a large bowl, sift together tablea powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt set aside.

Mix wet ingredients

In another bowl whisk together sugar, eggs, milk, oil, vanilla extract, and hot water. Whisk well until well combined.

Mix the wet and dry

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix very well.


Pour the chocolate batter into the cake pans prepped with butter and lined with parchment paper. Bake in a preheated 180°C oven for 30-35 minutes or until the toothpick/cake tester comes out clean. Let the cake cool completely before assembling/frosting.

Make buttercream

Using a hand mixer whisk the softened butter. Add granulated sugar, table powder, and milk alternately so the buttercream will blend easily. Add in the vanilla extract and blend for the last time.

Make ganache

On a saucepan, heat the whipping cream or all-purpose cream. Do not let it boil. Put the chocolate chips in a bowl and pour the cream over them. Mix until well combined. Let it cool before using.


When the cake layers have cooled assemble it on a cake turntable. Use a small offset or flat spatula to evenly coat the top of the first layer with a portion of the chocolate buttercream. Do this to the next layer. Place the last layer of the cake cut upside down on top of the buttercream, then gently press it down to level it. Using a large offset generously coat the whole cake with chocolate buttercream.


Pour the chocolate ganache on top of the cake and spread it evenly on top. Decorate with fresh strawberries on top to finish.


Chocolate Cake with Strawberries