Remove skin and any bones. Prick the fat with a knife or fork multiple times.
In a bowl, mix together the white sugar, rock salt, and curing salt until well combined.
Massage the cure onto the pork, refrigerate for 3-5 days to marinate. Rinse well.
In a pot over medium heat, combine the pineapple juice, beer, sugar, and star anise. Mix until the sugar has fully dissolved.
Add the cured pork to the sauce and boil for about 10-15 minutes or until tender and cooked through. Continue to cook the boiling liquid until reduced to a thick, syrupy sauce. Set sauce aside.
Sprinkle a generous amount of sugar all over the cooked pork.
Using hot steel, a torch, or an oven, caramelize the sugar all over the pork. Slice and serve with the sauce.
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