Got some leftover pork chops? Then level it up with this tasty, low-effort Katsudon recipe!
From making the sauce to serving it over a cup of rice, prepare each pork chop individually. Here's how. Slice one pork chop into 2 to 3 inch pieces. Set aside.
Cook onions in oil over medium high heat until soft, about 8 minutes.
Combine stock, soy sauce and sugar in a bowl. Once onions are soft, add 1/3 of the stock mixture. Top with a piece of leftover porkchop.
Whisk 3 eggs. Drizzle 1/3 of this over pork and add 1 tablespoon of green shallots. Cover and cook for 2 minutes or until egg is just set.
Pour over one cup of rice. Top with sliced nori.
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