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Pakbet Bagnet Empanada

Yields10 ServingsTotal Time45 mins

Experience a burst of flavors with our Pakbet Bagnet Empanada—Bite into each empanada for a harmonious blend of textures and tastes, offering a delicious twist on traditional Filipino favorites in every bite.

  cup chopped pork fat
 2 tbsp garlic, minced
 ¼ cup red onions, minced
 3 tomatoes
 ½ cup bagoong isda
 2 thumb-sized gingergrated
 4 eggplantdiced
 1 kamotediced
 ¼ bundle string beanscut into bite-sized pieces
 ¼ cup sitawcut into bite-sized pieces
 6 okra sliced
 5 siling duwag or siling pangsigang
 3 ampalayasliced thinly
 ½ kg cooked bagnetchopped into bite sized pieces
 2 cups glutinous rice flour
 1 1/2 all-purpose flour
 saltto season
  cup atsuete oil
 4 -6 water

Sift the flours in a bowl. Add salt to taste and the atsuete oil. Add a tablespoon of water at a time while mixing until it turns into dough. Lightly knead. Wrap in plastic and set aside while preparing the filling


In an oiled palayok, first brown pork fat, add garlic, onions, and tomatoes and saute until the juice from the tomatoes dries out and the oil separates.


Add the bagoong isda. Continue to cook to reduce the liquid.


Mix in the ginger, eggplant, kamote, string beans, sitaw, okra, siling duwag or siling haba, and ampalaya. Lower heat for the vegetables to sweat without browning, leaving the pot covered until vegetables are soft and have released their flavor.


Once ready, place about 1/8 cup of dough onto a chopping board wrapped in plastic. Top with another plastic wrap and flatten.


Place about a tablespoon of pakbet and chopped bagnet on the dough and seal.


Deep fry until cooked.


Serve the empanadas with sukang Iloko on the side.

Nutrition Facts

0 servings

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