
Our Turmeric Chicken Mami is a comforting twist on the classic Filipino noodle soup, bringing a vibrant golden hue and a warm, earthy flavor to every bowl. The turmeric not only enhances the broth’s richness but also infuses it with a subtle, aromatic spice that elevates the traditional mami experience. Tender chicken pieces, perfectly cooked noodles, and a medley of fresh vegetables swim in the turmeric-infused broth, creating a nourishing meal that’s as satisfying as it is healthful. The deep, savory flavors of the chicken are beautifully complemented by the turmeric's slightly peppery notes, making each spoonful a delicious blend of familiar comfort and exotic flair. Garnished with green spring onions, hard-boiled noodles, and a squeeze of calamansi, this Chicken Mami offers a bright and zesty finish that cuts through the rich broth. Whether you’re looking for a hearty lunch or a soothing dinner, this dish promises warmth and flavor in every bite. It's the perfect bowl of goodness to uplift your spirits on a rainy day or to nourish you when you need a comforting meal. Indulge in this Turmeric Chicken Mami, and let its vibrant flavors rejuvenate your senses.

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Yields1 Serving
Total Time1 hr 30 mins


Turmeric Chicken Mami

In a pot, saute the garlic, red onion, and turmeric in cooking oil until fragrant.


Turmeric Chicken Mami

Add the chicken then cook for 5 minutes.


Pour the water then add chicken cube and black pepper.


Simmer the broth for 40 minutes to an hour.


Remove the chicken pieces from the broth and shred the meat. Set aside. Strain the broth to remove the aromatics. 


Strain the broth to remove the aromatics.  Assemble the mami by placing noodles in a bowl then add the shredded chicken meat. Pour the soup in the bowl then top with boiled egg, fried garlic, green onions and turmeric chili. Serve hot. 




Turmeric Chicken Mami

In a pot, saute the garlic, red onion, and turmeric in cooking oil until fragrant.


Turmeric Chicken Mami

Add the chicken then cook for 5 minutes.


Pour the water then add chicken cube and black pepper.


Simmer the broth for 40 minutes to an hour.


Remove the chicken pieces from the broth and shred the meat. Set aside. Strain the broth to remove the aromatics. 


Strain the broth to remove the aromatics.  Assemble the mami by placing noodles in a bowl then add the shredded chicken meat. Pour the soup in the bowl then top with boiled egg, fried garlic, green onions and turmeric chili. Serve hot. 


Turmeric Chicken Mami